When you want keener insight into the traffic around your home or business, a license plate identification system from Modern Systems can deliver it.
Next-Level Video: LPID
With a powerful license plate ID system, you can capture more than the make and model of a vehicle that lingers near your property. Our game-changing technology gives you a positive vehicle ID with license plate numbers, day or night.Â

Secure & Protect Critical Entry Points
Capturing the license plate number is almost as good as providing authorities the bad guy's home address. When you want keener insight into the traffic around your home or business, a license plate identification system from Modern Systems can deliver it.
Clear Reporting & Analytics
If there's a crime or safety concern on your property, you can rest easier knowing you have a way to provide law enforcement with a list of all vehicles that accessed your property on that date. The report will give police precise detail of the license plates passing during the time frame you request. This optional feature is a great way to make the most of your license plate identification system.
Clear captures of license plate numbers while entering or exiting
Blacklist alerts for license plates that shouldn't be on your property
License plate reports available upon request
Search by plate number feature
Early threat detection and crisis aversion
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